Tat – “Torah Supporters” is an organization founded with the purpose of helping Yeshiva boys who need any help.
The Tat is a charitable body that provides young people with financial, mental and medical assistance and takes care of all their needs throughout the year.
The ultimate goal of the organization is for every talmid to continue to learning on his Talmud within the yeshiva without any external hassles.
The Tat is a charity that operates as independently and discreetly as possible, but of course all its considerations and decisions are
directed by the rabbis of the Tat and the yeshiva leaders,
It is our hope and wishes that we can continue to maintain this charity that provides about half a million NIS a year of profit and maximum help.

Helping chatanim
Mazal Tov! 80 bachurim get married a year in the Yeshiva – each chatan is helped by the Tat in different ways. Starting from advice guidance to financial and in expenses. The Tat works in cooperation with stores and companies connecting them to the families. It additionally provides loans which extends through after the wedding to help the bachurim build a Bayt Ne’eman Be Israel.
Ordinarily, wedding expenses are a head-ache for the parents of the chatan and kallah being that they cost a lot. It is also difficult for the chatan to successfully prepare for a new life in a short period of time.
For this reason a new department was established within the Tat – It’s purpose, was to provide help to these chatanim .
The Tat has discounts on the best design companies, venues, orchestras and everything a chatan needs.
Unique cases
Each year, there are a number of exceptional cases that are not included in the regular Tat fund because their financial excesses that pass the aid ceiling set by the Tat rabbis.
However, in these cases bachurim / chatanim have no ability to bear these big expenses that amount thousands of shekels (!)
For this reason, the Tat established – the ‘unique cases fund’. This fund is separate from the regular fund of the Tat that also helps in these cases.
Human Dignity
Human Dignity
For the full storyRespect for the soul
Respect for the soul
For the full storyRespect and respect
Respect and respect
For the full storyRabbis recommend

I appeal to you with a call of thanks to help and support this sacred enterprise .
In the merit of this mitzvah which is the highest in righteousness ..
R’ Walpin

It is a great merit for each and every person to bear the burden and assist as much as possible in this sacred mission
R’ Moshe Yehuda

I personally know of serious cases of whose spiritual and physical needs are dependent the above mentioned financial help.
R’ Shlomo
We were renewed
We have been innovative with convenient donation options by being able to donate to the Tat at all Nedarim Plus stations across the country.
We have renewed this year through excellent arrangements with a host of leading fashion chains, we have also, with Siyata Deshmaya, acquired vouchers providing discounts for the expenses of the chatanim. These discounts include engagement signs, clothing, dresses, venues, orchestras, watches, jewelry etc.
We have opened a nonprofit selling room that provides every Bachur with his physical needs without wandering out and roaming the streets of the city. Of course everything is at the cheapest prices available!
We have renewed ourselves as a proper non-profit organization with all legal requirements which are recognized by the Income Tax Authority according to section 46.
Donations to the needy by credit card
more ways of contributing
- By Phone – Toll Free: 079-9691220.
- Can be sent to PO Box 16447 Jerusalem.
- You can donate to all the “vows plus” positions throughout the country.
Donate by bank transfer:
Discount Bank Branch 331 Account No. 53485 for the Male David in the Kol Torah Yeshiva.
Donate by bank transfer:
Discount Bank Branch 331 Account No. 53485 for the David Male Tel Aviv Yeshiva at Kol Torah.
Donate by bank transfer:
Discount Bank Branch 331 Account No. 53485 for the David Male Tel Aviv Yeshiva at Kol Torah.